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Standardised formula

  1. #1
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    Standardised formula

    I have a series of formulae such as averages, IRRs, sum/ addition for income statement / cash flow spread across about 20 rows for each month (columns) which I use for particular equity stock investments (e.g. Apple). I have copied the group of them for each investment (eg. 20 rows for each of the twenty stocks).

    Is it possible for the formula for each stock to refer to a master template. Thereby the row for each stock refers to the master formula and then applies the inputs that are relevant for that stock. What I am seeking to achieve is that whenever I change a formula on one of the rows for one of the stocks, I would like the new formula to be automatically updated / applied to all of the other equity investments.

    Thank you for your help.

    Kind regards


  2. #2
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    Re: Standardised formula

    Please attach a copy of your sheet, with any confidential data fictionalised.

    Going on descriptions only we could spend the rest of the year guessing and getting nowhere.

    See http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...20#post4334694 and other links in that thread for help on attaching your workbook.

  3. #3
    Forum Expert shg's Avatar
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    Re: Standardised formula

    You can create named formulas, and then you need only edit that.

    For example, I have a workbook with a formula called LookupCost, defined as

    =VLOOKUP(Detail!colPN, Rates!lutCatCostPrcDisc, 3, FALSE)

    It looks up a part number in a particular column (colPN, another defined name) on the same row in a lookup table on another sheet.

    In the cells in which it appears, the formula is just =LookupCost

    It requires a lot of attention to detail to set up, but once you do it, it's very powerful.
    Entia non sunt multiplicanda sine necessitate

  4. #4
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    Re: Standardised formula

    Thank you Jason and shg.

    Please find attached a copy of an example two worksheets seeking to illustrate what I am hoping to achieve.

    I have two problems which are explained in the worksheets:

    1. changing a master formula and hoping that it will automatically update the formula for each individual calculation; and

    2. automatically changing the cash flow dates for an XIRR formula.

    Thank you for your assistance.
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