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Add Cells Whose Date Fall Between A Specific Range

  1. #1
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    Add Cells Whose Date Fall Between A Specific Range

    I tried =SUMIFS and tried to input date ranges with >= & <= to no avail.
    Column A is formatted to display dates; column B displays numbers for the respective date. There are dates added daily.
    I need a formula to do the following: Updates automatically when new dates are entered. It would be for the month.
    For instance, there are thirty-one days in the month of January. Ergo, the formula would return a value in a cell for the thirty-one days of January.
    I tried the following, but it doesn't work:
    where Column A displays dates and Column B displays values, but I always receive a value of 0.

    I would apply this separately for each month. I would just change the date value in the formula to match the month needed.
    Please help!

  2. #2
    Forum Moderator alansidman's Avatar
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    Re: Add Cells Whose Date Fall Between A Specific Range

    Try this:
    To SUMIFS between dates, use the following:


    Change up dates as appropriat
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  3. #3
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    Re: Add Cells Whose Date Fall Between A Specific Range


    Attached has Dates in Col A and Data in COl B

    Rather than changing formulae manually every time you want to check something. D2 - D13 are formatted as monthly dates ("Jan-16", etc)

    Following formula in E2 (copied down to E13) gives you monthly totals automatically:


    (Add up the totals in Col B where the date in Col A is between the first and last days of the Month in Col D)

    Because it used the entire columns, it will pick up automatically any new dates you enter - even if they are out of sequence.

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  4. #4
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    Re: Add Cells Whose Date Fall Between A Specific Range

    I have a file that has dates in Sheet 1, Column E. Dates will be added throughout the year as it progresses. I need a formula that will add the corresponding column G for a specific date range--January, February, et cetera--and return a value in Sheet 2, Column B next to the corresponding month. Could someone help? I tried both alansidman and Ochimus' formulae, but to no avail. I know that those are the formulae which I should use, but I'm skipping a step, I think. I surmise that I am doing something incorrect. For example, I return a value of zero (0) for the month of January when the value returned should be forty-two (42).
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  5. #5
    Forum Moderator alansidman's Avatar
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    Re: Add Cells Whose Date Fall Between A Specific Range

    Try this formula
    ={SUMPRODUCT(IF(MONTH(E2:E105)=1,G2:G105))} and enter it by holding down the Control + Shift + Enter keys to have the curly brackets added.

  6. #6
    Forum Expert Tony Valko's Avatar
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    Re: Add Cells Whose Date Fall Between A Specific Range

    Normally entered:

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  7. #7
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    Re: Add Cells Whose Date Fall Between A Specific Range


    You could not get my solution to work on your file because the months in Col A of your Sheet 2 are not dates, but text.

    If you look at the attached, as soon as I changed the cells to dates everything works perfectly.

    BUT omitting the year from the description will give you problems going forward.

    Cell A2 says "January", (actual "date" 01/01/16). If you add A14 as also being "January" (actual "date" 01/01/17), the wording in Col A "as is" will not tell you which year is being reported?

    Which is why I structured the original as "Jan-16", Feb-16", etc.

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  8. #8
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    Re: Add Cells Whose Date Fall Between A Specific Range

    Another way in B1 and filled down.

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    Last edited by FlameRetired; 03-24-2016 at 07:35 PM.

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