Originally Posted by
It would be useful to figure out to find the two uppercase letters in the string
with AlKey formula:
=IF(EXACT(IFERROR(MID(A1,SEARCH(" ?? ",A1&" ")+1,2),""),UPPER(IFERROR(MID(A1,SEARCH(" ?? ",A1&" ")+1,2),""))),IFERROR(MID(A1,SEARCH(" ?? ",A1&" ")+1,2),""),"")
but it's not solution for : Kansas City ab KS
With UDF VBA regex (for now and future):
Step 1: Add VBA reference to "Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5" (IMPORTANT!)- Select "Developer" tab
- Select "Visual Basic" icon from 'Code' ribbon section
- In "Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications" window select "Tools" from the top menu.
- Select "References"
- Check the box next to "Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5" to include in your workbook.
- Click "OK"
Step 2: Click on Insert Module. If you give your module a different name make sure the Module does not have the same name as the UDF below.
Step 3: In the big text window in the middle insert the following:
Function regex(strInput As String, matchPattern As String, Optional ByVal outputPattern As String = "$0") As Variant
Dim inputRegexObj As New VBScript_RegExp_55.RegExp, outputRegexObj As New VBScript_RegExp_55.RegExp, outReplaceRegexObj As New VBScript_RegExp_55.RegExp
Dim inputMatches As Object, replaceMatches As Object, replaceMatch As Object
Dim replaceNumber As Integer
With inputRegexObj
.Global = True
.MultiLine = True
.IgnoreCase = False
.Pattern = matchPattern
End With
With outputRegexObj
.Global = True
.MultiLine = True
.IgnoreCase = False
.Pattern = "\$(\d+)"
End With
With outReplaceRegexObj
.Global = True
.MultiLine = True
.IgnoreCase = False
End With
Set inputMatches = inputRegexObj.Execute(strInput)
If inputMatches.Count = 0 Then
regex = "" 'False
Set replaceMatches = outputRegexObj.Execute(outputPattern)
For Each replaceMatch In replaceMatches
replaceNumber = replaceMatch.SubMatches(0)
outReplaceRegexObj.Pattern = "\$" & replaceNumber
If replaceNumber = 0 Then
outputPattern = outReplaceRegexObj.Replace(outputPattern, inputMatches(0).value)
If replaceNumber > inputMatches(0).SubMatches.Count Then
regex = CVErr(xlErrValue)
Exit Function
outputPattern = outReplaceRegexObj.Replace(outputPattern, inputMatches(0).SubMatches(replaceNumber - 1))
End If
End If
regex = outputPattern
End If
End Function
Step 4: Save and close the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Editor window.
usage: =regex(A1,"your pattern")
in this case:
with this code you can define much more patterns not only as simply as ([A-Z][^a-z]{2})|([A-Z]{2})$")