
I have columns A (referral date), B (last appointment), C (next appointment) and D (reporting cell, see below).

What I need is for Column D to display "PENDING" if the referral date (ColmnA) A is less than/equal-to a month after last appointment date (ColmnB) *OR* if ColmnA is less than/equal-to 14 days before next appointment (ColmnC). If date in ColmnA is more than 30 days after ColmnB *AND* more than 14 days prior to date in ColmnC, then I want ColmnD to display "READY."

So I know I need multiple IF functions. My best guess was the following, but I don't think it is correct. I was hoping someone could help me figure it out.

=IF(A1-B1<=30, "PENDING", IF(A1-C1<=14, "PENDING", "READY"))

I also want ColmnE to display the soonest date at which the criteria (> 30 days after B, > 14 days before C) will be met.

Thank you all in advance!