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Automated Point Removal For Perfect Attendance

  1. #1
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    Automated Point Removal For Perfect Attendance

    Hi everyone, I am very much a newbie, and could use some help. I am putting together an attendance tracker for where I work. I have included a sample spreadsheet to show what I'm talking about. Each month is a separate sheet. In my sample February is how attendance used to be tracked and March is how I want to track it. Doing it the old way everyone's points had to be added up manually. I have made it automated so that when I add a 'U', 'E', or whatever letter applies it will automatically total up how many points that person has. I even have the total point column set up to add the points from the previous month. So far everything is working exactly as intended, but this is where things get tricky. We have a policy in place that if an employee has 30 consecutive days of perfect attendance we will remove one point from their record. I know that nobody is going to manually count how many days each employee has come to work in a row, so this, more than anything else, needs to be automated. The red cells AJ9, AJ10, and AJ11 show the current formula I am using. It is looking at a range of cells for each employee in March. If there are 25 consecutive cells with no data in them it will display a 1 and if the employee did not have 25 days of perfect attendance it will display 0. That amount will then be subtracted from the employees total points. This would work fine if the employee had to have perfect attendance for a calendar month, but that's not the case. The 30 consecutive days can start one month and finish the next, which means this formula needs to be able to do the same. I can not figure out how to make it look at a range of cells consisting of multiple ranges across multiple sheets. To be exact, in this sample I want cell AJ9 in March to look at February B9 through Z9 and March B9 through AC9 and if there are 30 consecutive cells with no data it should add 1 to March AJ9. I have been looking for an answer to this problem for a while now and any help at all would be greatly appreciated by both myself and my employees. Thanks.
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    Last edited by jsamp752; 03-08-2016 at 06:14 AM. Reason: Forgot Attachment.

  2. #2
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    Re: Automated Point Removal For Perfect Attendance

    No sample attached.

  3. #3
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    Re: Automated Point Removal For Perfect Attendance

    Whoops! That might be helpful. Thanks for pointing it out, it is there now.

  4. #4
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    Re: Automated Point Removal For Perfect Attendance

    As you need to cross months (Sheets) for your consecutive days count, I suspect VBA is the (likely) solution.

    If the Attendance counts are cumulative (as shown in March), then is it not possible to have a single yearly attendance sheet so counting the consecutive days could be done using your current formula?

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    Re: Automated Point Removal For Perfect Attendance

    Doing a yearly attendance tracker is probably the easiest way to go about it, but I don't think my coworkers on first shift would use it. That wouldn't bother me, except that the employees will be the ones to suffer since nobody is keeping track of when they should have a point removed. I was thinking of doing something similar by having an additional sheet that would copy the data from the monthly ranges and lay them out into one long yearly range that nobody would see and then reference that range, but doing that for each of the 100+ employees on my shift alone sounds tedious and time consuming which sort of defeats the whole purpose of automation. Also we have a very high turnover so I will have to add and remove employees on a regular basis. I've seen some other references to VBA but know basically nothing about it. I will have to look into that.

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    Re: Automated Point Removal For Perfect Attendance

    After giving it some thought and having a moment of inspiration, I have decided that having the whole year on one sheet is definitely the way to go. I'm still curious if anyone has a solution for how I originally wanted to do it so I will leave this thread open for a bit longer before marking it solved. Thank you very much for the advice.

  7. #7
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    Re: Automated Point Removal For Perfect Attendance

    No problem: thank you for the feedback.

    Re your original format: the only solution I could think of was to record at the end of each month (on month tab) the last consecutive sequence of the month and then on the next month determine the (first) consecutive sequence from 1st of month and add the previous month value and test if > 25 (30?).

  8. #8
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    Re: Automated Point Removal For Perfect Attendance

    OK, so this is what I've got. I did end up going the route you suggested. I ran into a couple problems along the way but they have all been things I could work around. For instance, my employer uses Excel 2003 which only has 256 columns. I ended up just putting the dates in rows and employee names in column. It's the opposite of what everyone wants but it works. The only issue I have now is the formula I'm using to calculate if someone has been present for 30 consecutive days, it should remove one point. As it stands now it will only ever remove one point instead of removing a point for each string of 30 days. How can I make it remove one point for each instance of 30 days perfect attendance? This is the array formula I am currently using: =SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(IF(C3:C368="",COLUMN(C3:C368)),IF(C3:C368<>"",COLUMN(C3:C368)))>=30,1)) It is located in the cells along row 376. I've attached a sample copy of what I have so far. Please note the zeros are just place holders to keep the formula from subtracting points for days not yet worked.
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    Last edited by jsamp752; 03-09-2016 at 05:56 AM.

  9. #9
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    Re: Automated Point Removal For Perfect Attendance

    I don't how (as opposed to IF) this can be done using a formula: I have a mental block when it comes to using (I don't!) FREQUENCY.

    I would happy to look at a VBA function to do the calculation. If this is acceptable, can you post a file with some sample scenarios and clear definition of the rules.

    For example, any sequence of 30 days (cells blank and/or valid codes ?) scores a point (including weekends)? so 90 days uninterrupted attendance gets 3 points.

  10. #10
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    Re: Automated Point Removal For Perfect Attendance

    I got the formula I'm using online (can't remember where I found it) and I'm not exactly sure how it works to be honest. I'm not opposed to using VBA, but I'm completely unfamiliar with it. As far a rules this is what I'm trying to do. An employee should receive points for the following: Unexcused absence "U" - 1 point , Tardy <15 minutes "TQ" - 1/4 point , Tardy >15 minutes "TH" - 1/2 point , Left Early "L" - 1/2 point , If the employee is present the cell will be left blank (if necessary it could be represented with a "P"). As an employee misses work their points will add up, but for each string of 30 consecutive days of perfect attendance they should lose one point. If they have 60 or 90 days perfect attendance they would lose 2 or 3 points respectively. If the employee has 30 or more days perfect attendance and then missed a day or more and then has another string of 30 or more days perfect attendance they would lose 2 points. Our work schedule changes on a regular basis, so to start I have included every day of the year. As we progress through the year I will remove the days we don't work. I've attached an example in which we did not work Sundays in January. Sample 1 should have one "Perfect Point", Sample 2 should have 0, and Sample 3 should have 2.
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  11. #11
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    Re: Automated Point Removal For Perfect Attendance

    See attached as "prototype" using VBA

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    The macro results are in GREEN table: you will differences on "Perfect Points" compared with your results (Yellow table). My logic is 30 consecutive blanks which sample 3 has.

    As it is now a yearly table, aren't previous points redundant? to be replaced by a "Points Balance" of difference between "Reward" and "Penalties"?
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  12. #12
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    Re: Automated Point Removal For Perfect Attendance

    The previous points were to avoid resetting everyone's current points. Unfortunately I can only view the file online through Onedrive which won't let me see any formulas, but this looks promising. I will look at it more closely when I return to work. Whether this works or not I greatly appreciate your help with this.

  13. #13
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    Re: Automated Point Removal For Perfect Attendance

    This is almost perfect. Everything works fine except the last few months are not registering. I am still trying to figure out what is causing this. The only other thing I need to figure out is how to keep the total points from going into the negative. If I can fix these two problems it will be ready to take to my boss and begin using. Again, thank you for the help. You have been invaluable to say the least.

  14. #14
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    Re: Automated Point Removal For Perfect Attendance

    When you say the last few months are not registering .... There is a test which exits the calculation if the date is greater than TODAY() i.e. it only processes from 1st January to until TODAY.

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    If you want to process all the year

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    The latter checks for blank cell in column A after 31/12/2016

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