I will try to explain this as best i can!
I am developing a spreadsheet to track children's progress in the hope that i can eventually compare progression for specific groups of children and display in the form of charts, e.g. gender, birth month etc.
I started with very little knowledge of Excel but have learnt a great deal over the past couple of weeks whilst trying to complete this task, however i am now stuck as to how i can proceed.
The data i am comparing comes from development within specific age bands set by our curriculum, e.g. 0-11 months, 8 - 20 months, 16 - 26 months etc, each of these age bands are then refined to emerging, developing and secure, therefore the spreadsheet currently uses INDEX, MATCH to turn each data point to a number (1 - 18) to make it easier to work with.
I am then subtracting the last terms number from the current term which will show if each child has progressed (or not) and am showing this as a data icon.
So far so good ..... i can see how individual children have progressed, but i now need to compare groups. I assume the best way is to firstly filter the results to show one group, i am then thinking that ideally i would like a formula to show what % of this group have progressed, what % have stayed the same and what % have regressed. I will then be able to load this info into the charts in order to produce and compare date between two groups.
I am thinking that COUNTIF or SUMIF may be useful here but have no idea of where to start.
I am very grateful that anyone has read my post and for any advice that can be given.