I have a spreadsheet where I am trying to calculate the time between when a report is submitted to when the final is sent to the customer excluding weekends. I am currently using a NETWORKDAYS.INTL formula, but this is only calculating between the dates. For example:

Cell A2 = 2/28/16 8:25 PM
Cell B2 = 3/3/16 8:13 AM

I should be getting that there is a difference of 80 Hours and 12 Minutes when excluding weekends. What I am getting instead is 59 hours and 48 minutes. The formula I am using is subtracting a full 24 hours instead of the 3 hours and 35 minutes it should be. This is the formula I am using:


Can someone help me figure out how to get this to work with the time so it excludes Saturday at 12:00 AM until Sunday at 11:59 PM?

I appreciate the help!