Hi All
Just wondering if there is an equivalent to the Google Sheets SPLIT function for excel (Running excel 2013)
Below is the formula that I am attempting to replicate
=if(F10="","",max(ArrayFormula(vlookup(split(I10," / "), aspects, 2, 0)))+H10)
so breaking it down
the if part of the formula is just there to hide cell contents.
The max and arrayformula parts seem to be ok but the split in the vlookup is not working the way it should. Basically the cell that the vlookup references has either a single word or on occasion two words split with a /. The worksheet then looks that up in the named range aspects for the highest number relating to said aspect and then adds the number for that aspect to H10 in the same sheet.
I'm trying to do this without having to VBA so if there is a function that could work that anyone can think of that would be awesome.
Thanks in advance