I have modeled the motion of a projectile in Excel, where I have x and y columns. X is horizontal distance and y is vertical distance. The projectile is being thrown in a room with a ten foot high ceiling. The y function is modeled by this equation: =MIN(10,(C7+(E7*$B$4))). B4 is the change in time; the E column is the change in Y, the C column is the total Y distance traveled.
I also have the variables initial angle and initial velocity, in B1 and B2 respectively.
The next challenge of the problem is to make a data table showing the maximum possible distances for a projectile with different initial angles and velocities. I used this equation for the data table: =MAX(B7:B100). The B column is all the x values, and is simply model by =B7+D7 (the change in x.) Basically, the data table is finding the maximum horizontal distance while changing velocity and angle.
HOWEVER, this doesn't take the y function into account. This is the maximum horizontal distance traveled, yes, but it doesn't take into account that the y values must fall between 0 and 10. So my maximum distances go up into the 300's, but that wouldn't be possible given my vertical parameters. Basically, I want to find the maximum possible x value as long as y is between 0 and 10.
I hope that this makes sense! Please help me figure out what formula to use for this table.