hi all

I know that this problem may have no solution without some very very advanced excel(ing)

basically, I have created a costing workbook for a kitchen which can cost 250 a la carte dishes, wedding packages, conferences, set menus etc. It works by putting each supplier into separate sheets so when a new price list is issued, it can be copied and pasted in. Then there is a mastersheet which gets all of its information from every supplier so all of the information require for the workbook comes from here. When costing a new dish, type in the product code and all of that products information automatically goes into the page.
However, the problem I have is when the supplier changes the products code.
is there any way of if the product code changes, then it can also change the product code everywhere that it appears in the work book
(for example, if lettuce code is 1001, and they change it to 1002, everywhere that used product code 1001 within the entire workbook will automatically change to 1002)

I have searched hard and tried to think for myself if anyway possible and I cant seem to find a solution.
If anyone knows anyway possible (if it is possible) then I am truly grateful as you will have solved the biggest fault with this workbook