I have an issue trying to calculate the sum of A1:A22. Here is information regarding what I am trying to do:
A1:A22 are numbers ranging from 1-10.
B1:B22 are numbers ranging from 0-200.
If a number in B1:B22 is greater than or equal to 120 the number in the correlating A cell is divided by 2 unless the number in the A cell is 1 then 1 would be subtracted.
A1 is 7, B1 is 122. Sum = 3.5
A2 is 1, B2 is 120. Sum = 0
A3 is 4, B3 is 14. Sum = 4
Total 7.5 round up to 8.
I hope this make sense.
The formula is being entered in Cell C1