I have a very large spreadsheet with 12 worksheets (one for each month) and one Year To Date worksheet. On the YTD worksheet I would like to add just the totals from the other 12 worksheets. The totals are all 8 rows apart starting in cell D10 going through D1066.

I would like to have my formula automatically advance by 8 rows. Example: D10 would be the constant in the first formula. D18 would be constant in the next, D26 in the next and so on.

First formula is =SUM(Jan!D10+Feb!D10+Mar!D10)
Next formula is =SUM(Jan!D18+Feb!D18+Mar!D18)
nets would be D26 and so on.

Is there a way to drag this formula yet have it advance by 8 rows instead of 1 row?