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Find Unique Values - Need Not Array Formula

  1. #1
    Forum Contributor
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    Excel 2013

    Find Unique Values - Need Not Array Formula

    I would be very appreciative of a help to come up with not array formula for finding unique values in column "D" that correspond each value in column "A" and insert the formula into the column "B". I need return 1 if the value is unique and zero if not unique. This table will be an input for a pivot table and will allow to count unique Product IDs for each Campaign in column "A".

    Column "A" contains a formula as well. The formula to find unique values that I inserted in column "B" is an array that really slows down the performance of the workbook that already has two data connectors and 8 pivot tables.

    The array formula used in B2: {=IF(SUMPRODUCT(($A$2:$A2=A2)*($D$2:$D2=D2))>1,0,1)}

    Sample data is attached.

    Find Unique Values.xlsx

  2. #2
    Forum Expert Ace_XL's Avatar
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    Re: Find Unique Values - Need Not Array Formula

    That formula need not be array entered. Enter it a a normal formula and you'll still get the same correct results. An alternative non-array formula would be

    In B2
    or simply

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  3. #3
    Forum Contributor
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    Re: Find Unique Values - Need Not Array Formula

    Hi Ace_XL,

    Thank you so much for the quick reply and assistance with the formula! I added reputation to your profile.

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