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Monte carlo using multipe data sources

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  1. #1
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    Question Monte carlo using multipe data sources

    I am trying to solve a monte carlo simulation predicting oil price supply and demand balance using excel and a set of assumptions.

    I have no idea how to do this.

    Any hints and tips on working with different tpyes of data (i.e. % decline, $bn, $) would be greatly appreciated.

    Also how to turn this data into a supply demand curve and monte carlo normal distribution for supply and demand in years to come.

    Many thanks,

  2. #2
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    Re: Monte carlo using multipe data sources

    I have no idea how to do this.
    Full instruction in monte carlo methods is almost certainly beyond the scope of a single internet forum post.

    For someone who has no idea how to do this, I would probably suggest that you start with a basic introductory tutorial in Monte Carlo methods. Here are three (found by putting "introduction to monte carlo methods" into a search engine:

    If you are set on creating your own monte carlo simulation, I would suggest that you review these and other tutorials. If there are parts that you don't understand, bring those questions here and we'll help as best we can. I would suggest that you make these questions as specific as possible ("I don't know how to use Excel's RAND() function.") to keep the discussion focused on the parts that you have real difficulty understanding. I might also suggest that you avoid "short-cuts" to this educational experience. Work through the simple examples given in the tutorials (dice rolling and coin tossing are two examples given). Part of learning this sort of thing is going from simple examples to the more complex real world stuff that your final project is trying to do.

    If you are interested in preprogrammed solutions, you might look at Oracle's Crystal Ball software http://www.oracle.com/us/products/ap...iew/index.html or put "open source monte carlo" into your favorite internet search engine. I don't use these applications mysefl, but I have seen users here mention using Crystal Ball. It might be prefferable, even if the software is not free, to use a third party application to perform the monte carlo simulation.
    Quote Originally Posted by shg
    Mathematics is the native language of the natural world. Just trying to become literate.

  3. #3
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    Re: Monte carlo using multipe data sources

    Quote Originally Posted by MrShorty View Post
    Full instruction in monte carlo methods is almost certainly beyond the scope of a single internet forum post.
    Moreover, for future note, if you (kevinndocherty) have further Excel questions about your implementation, please attach an example Excel file, not an image. Usually, the devil is in the details of the Excel design and implementation, which we usually cannot discern from an image alone.
    Last edited by joeu2004; 01-15-2016 at 03:14 PM. Reason: cosmetic

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