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Rules for Multiple Criteria SUMIFS/COUNTIFS and Arrays

  1. #1
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    Rules for Multiple Criteria SUMIFS/COUNTIFS and Arrays

    Dear Forum,

    In my new role I am analysing data a lot and the COUNTIF and SUMIF functions are my new best friends.

    I am trying to understand the general principle of how to (reliably) build multiple criteria SUMIFS and COUNTIFS formulae, working on multiple criteria columns, using arrays. I thought as long as you didn't create an array structure that went beyond '2 dimensions' it would work, and generally they do. I have been playing around and I list out the results at the bottom of the thread (I don't have permission to attach files).

    What is baffling me is why the COUNTIFS formula below does work, but the SUMIFS formula doesn't, but they have the same 3:1:3 array structure:



    The formulae are working on the following table:

    colA colB colC colD
    b x d 6
    b x d 7
    c x d 7
    d x d 5
    e x d 7
    f y e 7
    g x e 8

    Experiment Results:

    THESE WORK Array Structure
    =SUM(COUNTIFS(B:B,{"x","y"},C:C,"d",D:D,"7")) 2:1:1
    =SUM(COUNTIFS(B:B,{"x","y"},C:C,"d",D:D,{"7";"5"})) 2:1:2
    =SUM(COUNTIFS(B:B,{"x","y","z"},C:C,"d",D:D,{"7";"5";"8"})) 3:1:3 **
    =SUM(SUMIFS(D:D,A:A,"b",B:B,{"x","y"},C:C,"d")) 1:2:1
    =SUM(SUMIFS(D:D,A:A,{"b","c"},B:B,{"x"},C:C,{"d","g"})) 2:1:2
    =SUM(SUMIFS(D:D,A:A,{"b","c","d"},B:B,"x",C:C,"d")) 3:1:1
    =SUM(SUMIFS(D:D,A:A,{"b","c"},B:B,{"x","y"},C:C,"d")) 2:2:1
    =SUM(SUMIFS(D:D,A:A,{"b","c","d","e"},B:B,"x",C:C,"d")) 4:1:1
    =SUM(SUMIFS(D:D,A:A,{"b","c"},B:B,"x",C:C,"d")) 2:1:1

    =COUNTIFS(B:B,{"x","y"},C:C,"d",D:D,"7") doesn’t have sum
    =SUM(COUNTIFS(B:B,{"x","z"},C:C,"d",D:D,{"7";"5";"8"})) 2:1:3
    =SUM(SUMIFS(D:D,A:A,{"b","c"},B:B,{"x","y"},C:C,{"d","g"})) 3:2:2
    =SUM(SUMIFS(D:D,A:A,{"b","c","d"},B:B,"x",C:C,{"d","g"})) 3:1:2
    =SUM(SUMIFS(D:D,A:A,{"b","c","d"},B:B,"x",C:C,{"d","g","h"})) 3:1:3 **
    =SUM(SUMIFS(D:D,A:A,{"b","c","d"},B:B,{"x","y","z"},C:C,{"d","g","h"})) 3:3:3
    =SUM(SUMIFS(D:D,A:A,{"b","c"},B:B,{"x","y"},C:C,{"d","g"})) 2:2:2


  2. #2
    Forum Guru samba_ravi's Avatar
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    Re: Rules for Multiple Criteria SUMIFS/COUNTIFS and Arrays

    Sumifs also will work as Countifs if you change the
    =SUM(SUMIFS(D:D,A:A,{"b","c","d"},B:B,"x",C:C,{"d","g","h"})) as
    As you created syntax for countifs

    Say thanks to those who have helped you by clicking Add Reputation star.

  3. #3
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    Thumbs up Re: Rules for Multiple Criteria SUMIFS/COUNTIFS and Arrays

    That's great! Thanks, What a difference a wee dot makes.

    Just applied it to a real life analysis and after I had remembered to put in the leading sum function it works a treat. I guess trial and error will teach me what the limit on the various array formats is.

    The solution given is for a specific example: I really want to know what the general rule is when building sumifs/countifs on combinations of multiple criteria on multiple columns. What works, what doesn't and when to use ; or , .
    Last edited by cmbh; 01-10-2016 at 10:20 PM.

  4. #4
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    Re: Rules for Multiple Criteria SUMIFS/COUNTIFS and Arrays

    The solution given is for a specific example: I really want to know what the general rule is when building sumifs/countifs on combinations of multiple criteria on multiple columns. What works, what deposit and when to use ; or , .
    Perhaps this can help. If you aren't aware of it comma separators in arrays are understood to be column separators, and semi-colons are understood to be row separators. When presented column to column there is an implicit AND criteria. When presented "cross-wise" or transposed column to row there is an implicit OR criteria.

    One way to see this in action would be to highlight / select the SUMIFS part in the formula bar in each of the formulae and press the F9 function key. You will see the arrayed results in each case. This has helped me to follow the logic.

    Another way would be to make the formula in question the active cell, click on Formulas, click Evaluate Formula in the Formula Auditing group and then click Evaluate repeatedly in the dialogue window. Watch the "magic".

    Has this helped?

  5. #5
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    Re: Rules for Multiple Criteria SUMIFS/COUNTIFS and Arrays

    Thanks. That helped!

  6. #6
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    Re: Rules for Multiple Criteria SUMIFS/COUNTIFS and Arrays

    Glad it helped, cmbh. Thank you for the feedback and the rep.

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