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Need to calculate hours worked daily and have a total for each week (Bi-weekly pay)

  1. #1
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    Question Need to calculate hours worked daily and have a total for each week (Bi-weekly pay)

    I'm trying to create a spreadsheet where the first sheet show's dates, daily totaled hours, and will show Totaled hours for each week, and a section for bi-weekly totaled hours with gross pay as well. I'd like to have the formulas on a second sheet with the actual start time, break time (subtracted),& end time added in with hourly wage to go into the gross pay box. Please help.

  2. #2
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    Re: Need to calculate hours worked daily and have a total for each week (Bi-weekly pay)

    Could you post a worksheet which shows the layout of how you want it to look

  3. #3
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    Re: Need to calculate hours worked daily and have a total for each week (Bi-weekly pay)

    There are so many forms this could take and other variables that you may not have mentioned as well.
    A sample sheet of how you would like to see the data would make life a lot easier

    There are heaps and heaps of free templates out there and also heaps of threads in this forum with timesheet and wage questions and examples.

    But using your description, I came up with something that might be along the lines of what you want.
    Hopefully it will give you some ideas if you are looking for some and show you some formulas that you could adjust to suit your own layout.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  4. #4
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    Re: Need to calculate hours worked daily and have a total for each week (Bi-weekly pay)

    Thank you so much Beamer!! This is exactly what I was looking for! Is there a way you might be able to tell me the formulas you used?

  5. #5
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    Re: Need to calculate hours worked daily and have a total for each week (Bi-weekly pay)

    That spreadsheet is perfect! Exactly what I needed!! Can you share the formulas you used?

  6. #6
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    Re: Need to calculate hours worked daily and have a total for each week (Bi-weekly pay)

    I'm glad it worked for you. Sorry I took so long to get back to you, I've been away.

    On the timesheet page, the formula in column H is a simple addition of time (startbreak-startwork + finishwork-finishbreak).
    Column I (Std Hours) simply provides the minimum (or lowest) amount between the hours worked or 8 (8 being a full day at standard hours).
    Column J (Overtime) provides and leftover amount of hours over 8. Maximum of either totalhours-stdhours or 0.
    Actually, since stdhours cannot be less then totalhours....the formula in J can simply be =H3-I3.

    On the Wages Tab, Cell C9:
    The SUMPRODUCT function sums up all of the rows that meet the criteria in each of it's following arrays.
    The First (Timesheet!$B$3:$B$1000=B9) tells it to only look for names that match B9 (Beamer).
    The second (Timesheet!$C$3:$C$1000>=$C$2) tells it to only use dates that are equal to or after the week1 start date (C2).
    The Third (Timesheet!$C$3:$C$1000<=$C$3) tells it to only use dates that are equal to or before the week1 end date (C3).
    And the fourth (Timesheet!$I$3:$I$1000) has no criteria to match so it adds them all.
    So to review....It looks at all of names from B3:B1000 and picks out Beamer, then it narrows that list down to only dates including and after the start date, then it rules out dates after the end date, and adds all the times together for the rows that are left.
    Other than simple additional, all the other formulas on that sheet work the same way.

    Oh, the Gross Pay..pretty straight forward....it multiplies the overtime hours by the O/T multiplier, then adds the standard hours and multiplies the lot by the hourly rate.
    So in my example, 5.5hrs O/T x 1.5 = 8.25 + 79 std hours = 87.25 x $15.25 /hr = $1330.56

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