just to clarify on ADV and Rates, the table is laid out so that each particular offer/package are going down the rows, right at the end of this portion of the table there is 2 more sections (Rate and ADV), and just below these there are a set of ranges (), these i think are like credit ratings and depending on this rating depends on which Rate and ADV applies, like i mentioned in the last post i will rearrange this table slightly and duplicate the rows to allow these ranges, Rating and ADV to each have their own row so the lookup is straight forward........Hope this explains it a little better.
Originally this rating/credit rating value was going to be a variable that the user chooses but its now been decided to work out all of these rating, this is going to increase the amount of calculation alot but will give the data needed to target and match buyers, to pbank plans with certain gains or losses (not sure about the internal thinking behind this, all i know is they need a couple of variations with the calculations) and they at least want to see the best option, and if possible the whole list of options and their ranks