I've got a small problem*
There is some data i need to separate into 3 columns: Name, Hashtag and all that goes after the hashtag. So the data from A1 cell will be like (Finn Harries),(@FinnHarry ), (New York Good design) separately in 3 columns.
*(A1) Finn Harries @FinnHarry New York Good design.
*(A2) Tumblr @tumblr New York CityFollow the world’s creators.*
(A3) Joan Rivers @Joan_Rivers New York City, New York
(A4) Andrea Pirlo @Pirlo_official Nato a Flero (BS) il 19 Maggio*
For the first column i used*=LEFT(A1,FIND(" @",A1)-1) formula. Please help me with the other two !! i spend hours trying to do that.