Here lies my problem:
We have approx 15 employees and I am charged with keeping up with their vacation time. We use anniversary dates as their renewal date for their vacation. We do not pay sick time. Our rules are pretty simple. From your date of hire to 1 year with the company, you have NO vacation. At their 1 year anniversary they receive 40 hours to use within each year for year 1-3. On year 3 they then receive 80 hours to use for each year following. The vacation dates need to be calculated from one anniversary date to the other.
I have figured out how to get the spreadsheet to calculate the time they have been here and how many hours they have accrued. I have a separate sheet in which I enter the hours they take and it will subtract it and put it into a summary at the end of each month. This auto updates with the sheet as per the calendar year I am currently using, but nothing from the past year, or the future year.
My questions are these:
-If Employee A started on 10/23/2014, they are given 40 hours of vacation to use between 10/23/2015 and 10/23/2016. How do I create something to automatically pull the time from a previous years sheet and a sheet for the next year to allow Employee A to have an accurate count on their available vacation time without manually inputting it each year at their anniversary date?
- Can it be done for Employee N who has been here 5 years also?
- Is this a formula or something that is asking too much of a single program?
I appreciate any help I can get...
Here is what I am working with currently, please be kind as I figured it all out by trial and error
Vacation tracking summary1.xlsx