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Vacation tracking from an anniversary date from year to year

  1. #1
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    Question Vacation tracking from an anniversary date from year to year

    Here lies my problem:

    We have approx 15 employees and I am charged with keeping up with their vacation time. We use anniversary dates as their renewal date for their vacation. We do not pay sick time. Our rules are pretty simple. From your date of hire to 1 year with the company, you have NO vacation. At their 1 year anniversary they receive 40 hours to use within each year for year 1-3. On year 3 they then receive 80 hours to use for each year following. The vacation dates need to be calculated from one anniversary date to the other.

    I have figured out how to get the spreadsheet to calculate the time they have been here and how many hours they have accrued. I have a separate sheet in which I enter the hours they take and it will subtract it and put it into a summary at the end of each month. This auto updates with the sheet as per the calendar year I am currently using, but nothing from the past year, or the future year.

    My questions are these:
    -If Employee A started on 10/23/2014, they are given 40 hours of vacation to use between 10/23/2015 and 10/23/2016. How do I create something to automatically pull the time from a previous years sheet and a sheet for the next year to allow Employee A to have an accurate count on their available vacation time without manually inputting it each year at their anniversary date?
    - Can it be done for Employee N who has been here 5 years also?
    - Is this a formula or something that is asking too much of a single program?

    I appreciate any help I can get...

    Here is what I am working with currently, please be kind as I figured it all out by trial and error
    Vacation tracking summary1.xlsx

  2. #2
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    Re: Vacation tracking from an anniversary date from year to year

    You seem pretty much there. Are you allowing carryover of vacation time from year to year?

    I would use TODAY() instead of NOW() (NOW() includes a time which you don't need)

    Once I have an answer to my question, we can tighten up your sheet. I might suggest another sheet in the workbook containing a running total with each line/row simply being employee name, date of vacation start, date of vacation end, total days. Then you can pull "Hours Used" from that sheet and not worry about math.
    My 2?

    substitute commas with semi-colons if your region settings requires
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  3. #3
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    Re: Vacation tracking from an anniversary date from year to year

    We are not using any carry over...when the date hits it starts over with the allotted time given to the employee. I appreciate this so much!


  4. #4
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    Re: Vacation tracking from an anniversary date from year to year

    I had trouble coming up with a formula that would split networkdays if vacation started on one side of an anniversary and ended on the other so decided on a manual approach. If the user is entering the vacation dates on "Data" tab and it crosses the anniversary, the entry will turn red. Then the user should split the entry into two lines. First one up to but not including the anniversary date, the second one from anniversary date forward. (I did this on lines 2 and 4). Column F shows the anniversary date (updated to the year of entry).

    I also included a Partial day column (D) where you put in hours of vacation on a partial day. This is inclusive of the dates in B and C. So on 10/21/2015, Employee A came in and worked 6 hours and then went home (2 hrs vacation)

    Hope this helps. Questions?
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  5. #5
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    Re: Vacation tracking from an anniversary date from year to year

    OK. I understand what is there, but not sure how this would work with my current data... I am going to upload the whole files that I work with. The lady that does the payroll needs it broken down by month...it's turning into a whole big mess with this. Paper and pen might be easier
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  6. #6
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    Re: Vacation tracking from an anniversary date from year to year

    Ugh! Because your data is split up by month, the formula will need to sum up each spreadsheet. Also, if the vacation time is accrued based on start date and not calendar date, then there will be carryover from workbook (2015) to workbook (2016). Right? Can we modify your spreadsheet setup?

  7. #7
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    Re: Vacation tracking from an anniversary date from year to year

    Of course...I am flexible as far as how to input, but she isn't on what she wants. I feel like I should bake you cookies or something for this kind of work

  8. #8
    Valued Forum Contributor tony h's Avatar
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    Re: Vacation tracking from an anniversary date from year to year

    Rather than use the multiple sheets and books. Have you considered using a single book for all years and a sheet where you select the year and month with a side panel for the annual summary?

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    Re: Vacation tracking from an anniversary date from year to year

    I am willing to do whatever works...I just need to have one sheet that I can print each month that breaks it down for the lady that does the payroll. I am kinda confused by how I could do what you are asking though. I understand making a running sheet for the whole year, but how would I calculate from anniversary date to anniversary date that way? And I am going to show my blonde with- What's a side panel?

  10. #10
    Valued Forum Contributor tony h's Avatar
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    Re: Vacation tracking from an anniversary date from year to year

    It has gone midnight here and the laptop is running out of power. I'll try and give it a go tomorrow to see if the concept will work.

  11. #11
    Valued Forum Contributor tony h's Avatar
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    Re: Vacation tracking from an anniversary date from year to year


    Note : I am English so my dates are dd/mm/yy ie 30/01/2016 is 30th Jan.

    This is a first try - a bit rough and ready - but you can see the principles (I hope).

    I haven't put anything in to stop you messing it up so please read these notes

    First: there are two sheets: Data and View

    data contains a list of holiday dates with the number of hours taken on each occasion. To record and change holidays add or remove from the list. As you can see they just get added in no particular order.
    Adding more data works.
    The same date can be used more than once for a person. 2 days holiday would be added as two entries - one for each day.

    View is a monthly view and an annual summary of leave booked.

    The Green boxes are the year and month being shown (you can change the year and month this works) (there is data for Jan and Feb 2016)
    Note the month (at the moment) is always 31 days - this can be corrected.

    The Start Day and month(under the yellow area) are the start anniversary dates for holiday for the people (Changing the start day and month works)

    The colouring of the cells is done on format rules.

    The staff names ang to h can be changed and used in the holiday list on the data sheet

    You can add data for any years starting in 2015 and ending in 2018 - just because these are the dates I set up in the list.

    Let me know what you think.
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  12. #12
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    Re: Vacation tracking from an anniversary date from year to year

    This is interesting. Is there an updated final version?

  13. #13
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    Re: Vacation tracking from an anniversary date from year to year

    Welcome to the forum jferich.

    Quote Originally Posted by jferich View Post
    This is interesting. Is there an updated final version?
    As this thread is approaching 6 years old it is not likely the original participants are still monitoring it.

    I encourage you to start your own thread making reference to this one if it helps.

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  14. #14
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    Thank you…

    Quote Originally Posted by FlameRetired View Post
    Welcome to the forum jferich.

    As this thread is approaching 6 years old it is not likely the original participants are still monitoring it.

    I encourage you to start your own thread making reference to this one if it helps.

    Since you are new you won't be able to post a link yet, but you can copy/paste the title.

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