Note : I am English so my dates are dd/mm/yy ie 30/01/2016 is 30th Jan.
This is a first try - a bit rough and ready - but you can see the principles (I hope).
I haven't put anything in to stop you messing it up so please read these notes
First: there are two sheets: Data and View
data contains a list of holiday dates with the number of hours taken on each occasion. To record and change holidays add or remove from the list. As you can see they just get added in no particular order.
Adding more data works.
The same date can be used more than once for a person. 2 days holiday would be added as two entries - one for each day.
View is a monthly view and an annual summary of leave booked.
The Green boxes are the year and month being shown (you can change the year and month this works) (there is data for Jan and Feb 2016)
Note the month (at the moment) is always 31 days - this can be corrected.
The Start Day and month(under the yellow area) are the start anniversary dates for holiday for the people (Changing the start day and month works)
The colouring of the cells is done on format rules.
The staff names ang to h can be changed and used in the holiday list on the data sheet
You can add data for any years starting in 2015 and ending in 2018 - just because these are the dates I set up in the list.
Let me know what you think.