Dear All,

I've checked so many websites and able to get the formula for search suggestion in Drop-Down List with formula but couldnt able to understand how to retrieve only unique values

=IFERROR(INDEX('Total Export Orders'!E$2:E$26,MATCH(ROWS(V$12:V12),G$12:G$56,0)),"") - Will retrieve the values from raw data to data validation list as it is i.e., without removing duplicates

I've written formula as shown below to retrieve only unique values but not working.

=IFERROR(INDEX(INDEX('Total Export Orders'!E$2:E$26,MATCH(0,COUNTIF($V$12:V12,'Total Export Orders'!E$2:E$26),0)),MATCH(ROWS(V$12:V12),G$12:G$56,0)),"")

Best Regards