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dates overlap dynamic

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    dates overlap dynamic

    I need to calculate leaves (X, Y ) during a specified task by an employee.

    Task Workdays
    Start (Column D ) << >> End (Column E ) ------ Leaves days (column F )
    1 10/10/2015 <<>> 11/15/2015 ---- X
    2 11/27/2015 <<>> 12/27/2015 ---- Y
    3. task3 (Start dt. <<>> End Dt. ) ------ Z
    4. task4
    5..... 2/5/2016 2/5/2015....

    The leaves /Period :
    Column G << >> Column H
    Start <<>> End
    10/4/2015 <<>> 10/10/2015
    11/10/2015 <<>>11/13/2015
    12/2/2015 <<>> 12/8/2015
    2/24/2015<<>> 1/1/2016
    2/5/2016 <<>> 2/5/2015
    and so on.......

    The task list will be ever increasing, and so will be the leaves .

    i need to find leaves taken during the the task 1 (X ) , similarly for task 2 (Y )
    the leaves table will be say 200 rows to start with and gradually scalable, same with task list
    also need to account workdays only (remove week ends )
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    Last edited by shishm; 12-23-2015 at 05:01 AM.

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