I am attempting to create a pre-populated drop down list in one column from a drop-sown list in a separate column. If I leadership, management and employee as the 3 drop-down options in column A, I would like different drop-down options to pre-populate in column B as a result of the selection in column A.
this is the formula that I have come up with thus far but it is not working. Is this correct or is there another way?
=IF(T2="Transformational Leadership","Leading a Process Change",IF(T2="Transformational Leadership ","Lead (PI/Co-PI) a Research Project", IF (T2=”Transformational Leadership”,”Other”, IF (T2=”Transformational Leadership”,”Nursing Shared Leadership”, IF(T2=”Transformational Leadership”,”Lead an external organization”, IF(T2=”Transformational Leadership”,”Lead a committee/council”, IF(T2=”Transformational Leadership”,”Mentorship based management”,””))