I am having trouble with my tournament spreadsheet. It is for a fishing tournament and its based over 5 tournament with the lowest score getting dropped at the end of the year. Column H is total points {=SUM(C5:G5)-MIN(C5:G5)} now in column G i want it to display points behind. I tried using this formula {=SUM(H5)-H6} it works fine but when i want to copy it down to all the below cells i cannot drag it without it changing to {=SUM(H6)-H6} and {=SUM(H7)-H7} and so on and so on. Is there a better way to do this. also the columns are labled and filtered for easy access such as:
Member Scrren Name tournament1 tournament2 tournament3 tournament4 tournament5 Total Points Points Behind Place Points per place
Sometiems when i arrange the columns the formula gets screwed up. Is there anything i can do to fix this?