I assume that this is relatively easy but in searching the net I don’t see specifically what I am after so here it is.
Col A1-A20000 contains the date.
Col B1-B20000 contains DAILY information.

Using this information I would:
I would LIKE Col C to be this time last week.
I would LIKE Col D to be this time last month.
I would LIKE Col E to be this time last year.
I would LIKE Col F to be the 2 year average.
I would LIKE Col G to be the 5 year average.

My thoughts on Col F and G would first require me to start a running 2 and 5 year average from the data in B correct? It won’t be dependent on the date. But rather the formula (which I don’t know) would find the LAST line in col F or G and use that as the #?
