In Conditional Formatting, what is the correct formula for rows which contain multiples of a certain number, to be formatted the same way, across all columns?
Scenario: Column A is a list of day numbers, (1,2,3,4,5 . . .1050). For the rows in which day numbers in $A are a multiple of / divisible by 30, I want each entire row across A to J columns to be filled solid yellow.
It is important to note that the $A rows in which a day number divisible by 30 occurs will change from use to user due to different data inputs on a linked worksheet. (Day 30 for example may occur on $A row 47 in the attached sample, but for other users will most probably occur on different $A rows).
Sample file attached.
I have this easily working for the first value of 30, with the following formatting:
Conditional Formatting
Rule Type: Use a formula to determine which cells to format
Formula =$A18=30
Formatting = <Fill> <Yellow>
But I also want the day numbers in $A that are multiples of 30, (i.e. 60, 90, 120, 150 . . . 1050), to be formatted in the same manner and across from columns A to J. I’ve tried variations of the following formula to no avail:
Formula =$A18=30,60,90,120,150 …………. etc. but this incorrect.
Details in my worksheet (sample attached):
A1 to A14 – Text instructions, spacing and similar (no values, formulas or functions)
A15 =1 <Hidden reference trigger from which day count starts>
A17 <text> DAY #
A18 =IF(J18<100),(A15),(“”) where (J18<100) is present to permit calculations until J18 equals 100%
A19 =IF((J18>=100),(“”),(A18+1) ………….<cell value is2>
A20 same formula as A20 with cell value of 3
With the formula repeating itself each row thereafter, such that ensuing cell values are. . .
A21 is 4
A22 is 5
A23 is 6
A24 is 7
A25 is 8
And so on to day number 1050.
In summary, I need the correct conditional formatting formula so that all rows are highlighted across all columns from A to J for all $A cells that have a value evenly divisible by 30.
Many thanks.