I basically have quite simple task to do. I need to get information from 13 different sheets, which all have year in M -column and month in L -column.
I need to count how many times certain months of certain year appear in the workbook in these columns. I have years from 2000 to 2015 (soon 2016). I have to have these month-year combinations calculated in quarter years Q1-Q4 (month 01,02,03 - 04,05,06 - 07,08,09 - 10,11,12) per each year. I have used the function bellow, but this causes the excel to slow down, since there are 64 (next year 68) instances with similar heavy-duty-stoneage calculation (Q1/2000, Q2/2000, Q3/2000, Q4/2000, Q1/2001, Q2/2001...etc...) So how I can do the same thing as this COUNTIFS -monster, with some lighter function..? There are also sheets that I do not want to be included in the calculation.
=COUNTIFS('sheet1'!M:M;"=2000";'sheet1'!L:L;"=01")+COUNTIFS('sheet1'!M:M;"=2000";'sheet1'!L:L;"=02")+COUNTIFS('sheet1'!M:M;"=2000";'sheet1'!L:L;"=03")+COUNTIFS('sheet2'!M:M;"=2000";'sheet2'!L:L;"=01")+COUNTIFS('sheet2'!M:M;"=2000";'sheet2'!L:L;"=02")+COUNTIFS('sheet2'!M:M;"=2000";'sheet2'!L:L;"=03")+...etc... this continues for years from 2000 to 2015 and includes every month, so the function is rather long.
I also need to have this table updated in "real time". So if I add more rows that have these month/year combinations, they are calculated immediately to the table.
I'm not so PRO with excel and have done only rather basic stuff, so help would be mutch appreciated.