Hi I am new to the site and a intermediate user of excel.
I need help in working out a formula or calculation for the following;
We are contracted fisherman who are paid 31% of the gross catch landed. Our crew are then paid a percentage from the gross catch landed, which is included in the 31% we receive. The contracting company pays the net 31% into our bank account but never lets us know what the gross catch amount was that I need to pay the crew on. I am sick of wasting time each pay to try and workout the gross.
How would I work this out in excel?
Say we receive 31% of 103225.80 = 32000 rounded up to the closes dollar.
How do I create a calculation whereby I enter the 31% we receive and it will automatically calculate the gross we were paid on with the included calculation of either rounding up or down to the closest dollar.
Help would be greatly appreciated.