I need help on figuring out some code please.
In the attachment, there are 3 tables. Table 1 has the raw data in bold; which is the first 3 columns, A, B & C. This is the data that we import from our supplier into our workbook to get the result we need.
The final data gets uploaded to our website as a CSV file. There are over 5000 products to filter through.
My problem is, when I write the formula to extract the values from the LEFT side of the "-" in the Suppliers PN, it works okay. When I write the formula to extract the data from the RIGHT side of the "-", I don't get the same result. Notice column "E" in tables 1 & 2.
I need the PN to the left withOUT the "-" in column "D" and I need the rest of the PN to the right of the "-" including the "-" in column "E" so I can CONCATENATE them with another cells data later.
Table 2 is what we will have after all the formulas have performed their functions.
Table 3 is the final result of what I need to save and convert to a CSV file for uploading. The bold items will be deleted from table 2 and the Italic cells will be save as the CSV.
Column "G" is the PN I want to generate. If the number of characters to the left of the hyphen is <5, I need it to add "D0" to the existing portion to the left of the hyphen. If it is >5, just add "D".
I hope I'm being clear about what I need. also, the "sku" is the PN for the parent product and it's children have the "-" and size. You will notice that the "parent sku" is the same value as the sku above. If the "parent sku" cell has a value, then "menu order" gets an advanced number besides "0" and the "Corrected Description" gets erased.
I know there is an easy way to do this task.