Hi Guys,
I am struggling with using the SUM PRODUCT formula with 3 variables.
The variables:
1. Branch selected on drop down data validation on one tab.
2. Period selected on drop down data validation on one tab.
3. Result if formula return is, On Time, Early or Late.
Aim of formula:
To use formula on front dashboard populating the NUMBER OF EARLY, LATE, ON TIME deliveries for SEVERAL RETAIL OUTLETS based on the drop down Period selected for example P7 being Period 7, aligned to THE data tab.
Data tab:
I have formulas which shows me all output of deliveries, Period and even have a column which is Concatenated with RETAIL OUTLET NAME and returned result being, EARLY, LATE, ON TIME .
Figures do derive and calculate correctly for the formula using 2 conditions, shown below;
But I want to have another string in the formula to select the retail outlet, so the return just shows for the respective selected outlet using my data validation selected on the front dashboard tab aligned to the SUMPRODUCT formula.
Can anyone advise, as I have being attempting to resolve this issue for several days with no joy?