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Need help with cricket: Best Bowling figures

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    Need help with cricket: Best Bowling figures

    I have created a document that allows me to input the cricket scores and then provides me with the players statistics. I am having issues with one area and that is displaying the bowlers best figures.

    If you go to the "bowling statistics" tab and in cell K16:R16 that is the formula I am trying to solve. In cells K1:L1 are the names of the columns
    password for all coding is "bradman"

    So, what it does is, is turn the bowling figures like “5-15 (10)” into a number 51510, except this fails when the number of significant digits is different for each of the wickets (5), runs (15) and overs (10) from row to row.

    {=IF($B16="",0,IF($AP16=0,0,INDEX($DB16:$XA16,0,MATCH(MAX(($DB$1:$XA$1={"Trial";"T20";"GPS";"AlanDavidson";"FiveHighs";"BarberisCup";"EastCoast"})*(VALUE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE($DB16:$XA16,"-","")," ",""),"(",""),")","")))),VALUE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE($DB16:$XA16,"-","")," ",""),"(",""),")","")),0))))}

    Instead we need to calculate a “bowling score” by assigning more value to wickets than runs than overs, eg

    Wicket value: 10000
    Run value: 10
    Over value: 1

    We can use the function

    =VALUE(LEFT($DB19:$XA19,FIND("-",$DB19:$XA19)-1))*10000 * VALUE(TRIM(MID($DB19:$XA19, FIND("-", $DB19:$XA19)+1, 3)))*10 * VALUE(TRIM(SUBSTITUTE(MID($DB19:$XA19,FIND("(",$DB19:$XA19)+1, 10), ")", "")))

    To calculate the “bowling score” for an individual cell in the format “5-15 (10)”, but it’s beyond my skillz to substitute that into the full array function.

    Any help will be much appreciated.


    5-33 (10)
    3-43 (4)
    5-22 (11) - this one should be the best ranked figure.
    5-22 (12.4)

    first digit is the highest.
    Second digits after the dash should be the lowest and
    In brackets should be the lowest
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