Good morning Siva; I have one more problem with excel formula. In my company have two nationality’s employees One is “TCN” second is “ EXPERT” – In condition if TCN has vacation for 23 week means 161 days and Expert has vacation for 14 weeks means 98 days
Base on employee start date how to generate next vacation date, formula that need to choose among them (TCN or EXPERT days (161 or 98)
EXPERT: DOJ is 13-OCT-15 + 98 Days for his vacation will be on 19-JAN-16
13-Oct-15 19-Jan-16

TCN: DOJ is 01-JAN-15 + 161 Days for his vacation will be on 11-JUN-15
01-Jan-15 11-Jun-15

Would you please help me for conditional formula please !!!