This is my formula:

=IFERROR(VLOOKUP($A24,ActiveEmployees!A:D,4,FALSE),"No Match")

In Cell A24: I have the value: C00666314

On the ActiveEmployees tab on cell D1863 I have the value: C00666314

But the value return No Match.

I changed both colums to text. The formula works for one cell but not others any ideas?

Also tried: IFERROR(VLOOKUP("*"&$A24&"*",ActiveEmployees!A:D,4,FALSE),"No Match")

Something else is strange about my excel sheet:

When I try this formula: =IFERROR(VLOOKUP($A26,ActiveEmployees!D:D,1,FALSE),"No Match")
it works on a different cell but I have to click on enter after the formula otherwise the previous value just gets copied.

I have over 1000 records so I can't keep clicking on enter for every field.