I have read all the posts and goggled this but still cant seem to get it to work. I am trying to select a project through a lookup and then do an “if” to define the stage. I can do both, but not together. I need to combine these two statements:

I have a project tracking sheet I present to management, column A has a list of project (could be a different view of different project) and later columns have sequential dates which have to list the project phase (Define, Design, Develop, etc..) in the cell.
All data is in the Master tab. It will have the Project and the current dates for each project phase.

The VLOOKUP finds the project in Column "A" in the Master tab and the IF checks the various phase dates in the Master tab to find the project phase and assign it.

=IF(D4<='Master List of Projects'!$P$5,'Master List of Projects'!$O$2,IF(D4<='Master List of Projects'!$R$5,'Master List of Projects'!$Q$2,IF(D4<='Master List of Projects'!$T$5,'Master List of Projects'!$S$2,IF(D4<='Master List of Projects'!$V$5,'Master List of Projects'!$U$2,IF(D4<='Master List of Projects'!$X$5,'Master List of Projects'!$W$2,IF(D4<='Master List of Projects'!$Z$5,'Master List of Projects'!$Y$2,IF(D4<='Master List of Projects'!$AB$5,'Master List of Projects'!$AA$2)))))))


=VLOOKUP(A7,'Master List of Projects'!$B$5:$AH$53,1,FALSE)

Morning, I have posted a striped down sample doc link below. Basically what I am trying to do is combine the formulas from cell D6 and D7 into one cell.

Thank you.
