Hi guys i want to ask if someone can help me with a problem i am dealing wiht. i want to create a shift schedul for employees using formulas.is it possible?thanks a lot!
Hi guys i want to ask if someone can help me with a problem i am dealing wiht. i want to create a shift schedul for employees using formulas.is it possible?thanks a lot!
The short answer is Yes. But this is a bit like the question how long is a piece of string. You'll need to give us some idea as to what your data looks like and what you expect to see. Mock up an example workbook and clearly note which cells are original data and which cells are results.
You might also usefully google the subject. "Excel shift schedule template" where you'll find any number of offerings.
Richard Buttrey
RIP - d. 06/10/2022
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i already did it..nothing free i found in google..only scheduler24 which is by paying a monthly fee..i am looking for a generator which will automatically generates a schedule without endering the data again and again...i ll send you an example..i hope someone can do it and explain it..
As Richard said, there are free Excel-based schedulers on the Web: I found two without any problem using Richard's search subject.
yes but is it automatically generates a schedule?
How would we know? We have no idea what YOU require from a schedule since you've not bothered to tell us. We're generally pretty good but not psychic.
Why don't you download a few of the free offerings and try them before asking us. We like helping people but we do expect you to put in at least some effort. See post #2
this is what i mean guys.. i have some instuctions in it.hope you can figure something out..thank you!
this is what i mean guys.. i have some instuctions in it.hope you can figure something out..thank you!
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