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Pulling Info from one sheet to another based on information found in one cell

  1. #1
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    Pulling Info from one sheet to another based on information found in one cell

    OK I need help with figuring this formula out.

    I am needing to pull certain columns from one spreadsheet to another, but I only want it to do if one of the cells in the first sheet reads a particular piece of information.
    So for example I need to display on Sheet 2 any info from columns E-P on if the info in Column C Reads "Commercial" on Sheet 1. I know I would have to go Row by row, but I think you get the idea. I am sure I will have to go to each column in sheet 2 and adjust the formula for the corresponding column I want from Sheet 1. I just need to know where to start. I tried something like =IF(ISERROR(MATCH('Form Responses 1'!D:D,0)),"Commercial",VLOOKUP('Form Responses 1'!J:J,FALSE))
    That just brings over the commercial part. I'm sure it's something easy and I am probably overthinking it at this point, but any hep would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Forum Contributor Obsessed's Avatar
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    Re: Pulling Info from one sheet to another based on information found in one cell

    Is "Commercial" always by itself in a cell? Is it always in the same cell, or can it be anywhere in column C? How many rows need to be moved over? Depending...I'd really recommend VBA for this. This is going to end up being a formula nightmare. Not hard formulas...but you'll need one for every cell you want to copy data to.
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  3. #3
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    Re: Pulling Info from one sheet to another based on information found in one cell

    That Cell will either read Commercial or Residential. If it reads Commercial I need too be able to pull info from other cells. I know I have to duplicate the formula for each cell and modify it to some for each. It will be like 9 or 10 columns worth of info. So not a ton of repeating but a bit. So to make it simple I need something like if C2 on sheet 1 reads Commercial then the info from D2 on sheet 1 and so on and so on.

  4. #4
    Forum Contributor Obsessed's Avatar
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    Re: Pulling Info from one sheet to another based on information found in one cell

    Can you upload a workbook for me to work off of with example data in it?

  5. #5
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    Re: Pulling Info from one sheet to another based on information found in one cell

    So In this example I would need the info in cells E, F, G, H, and I if D says Commercial. If it says residential I don't need it to pull any info.
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  6. #6
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    Re: Pulling Info from one sheet to another based on information found in one cell

    Of course I would need to do this with the entire sheet going down to row whatever

  7. #7
    Forum Contributor Obsessed's Avatar
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    Re: Pulling Info from one sheet to another based on information found in one cell

    Ah. I was misunderstanding the layout at first. VBA is the only practical solution here. You comfortable with that? I can throw something together quickly for you if you're okay with a macro solution.

    If so, which columns do you want it pasted into in sheet 2? Just want to mimic sheet one, pulling out all the residential? Headers get copied as well, I suppose?

  8. #8
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    Re: Pulling Info from one sheet to another based on information found in one cell

    As long as it works I am ok with anything. Thanks for the help

    Headers don't need to copy per say I can do that part. Essentially for the purpose of that example the info I would need in sheet 2 is Columns E-I. That is approximately the info I need in what I am working on.Maybe one or 2 more pieces of info, but not a lot. And yes anything that is residential can be excluded completely.
    Last edited by Tromgood; 11-06-2015 at 11:58 AM.

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