OK I need help with figuring this formula out.
I am needing to pull certain columns from one spreadsheet to another, but I only want it to do if one of the cells in the first sheet reads a particular piece of information.
So for example I need to display on Sheet 2 any info from columns E-P on if the info in Column C Reads "Commercial" on Sheet 1. I know I would have to go Row by row, but I think you get the idea. I am sure I will have to go to each column in sheet 2 and adjust the formula for the corresponding column I want from Sheet 1. I just need to know where to start. I tried something like =IF(ISERROR(MATCH('Form Responses 1'!D:D,0)),"Commercial",VLOOKUP('Form Responses 1'!J:J,FALSE))
That just brings over the commercial part. I'm sure it's something easy and I am probably overthinking it at this point, but any hep would be appreciated.