Greetings, trying to conditional format a time entry (start time) if time difference of the preceding (stop time) time entry is less than 8 hrs. Used MOD(B5-H4,1) which gives me the time difference. Trying to use AND(>1,<8) which gives me the 8 hr limit but not sure how I use the conditional drop down to get my original time entry to change to red as per my starting desire. Can anyone make sense of what I am trying to achieve and better still come up with a workable solution? Many thanks as always.
Start Stop Hrs Worked
08:00 21:00 12:00
03:00 09:00 06:00
In the example I am trying to get 03:00 go red on condition it is less than 8hrs between the stop time 21:00 and 03:00 start time. There is a month's worth of start/stop times.