I understand the restrictions the layout imposes, and agree it could well be improved. But what I sent reflects what the End User has stipulated.
I did nor respond immediately to Jason or Pete because I was "AFD" for a while and have spent several hours trying to get the approaches to work on the "real" file, without success because of some curious anomolies.
The attached update 151031 Comparisons v2.xlsx which is the actual column structure of the real file, although only a small section of the rows, works perfectly for the "monthly" comparisons until you select April 2017 onwards, From April - Dec the formula pulls up the annual results for 2017.
Secondly, it generates numbers on the "Indirect" bloc from the same point that don't link to any of the sheets,
And thirdly, selecting any of the Quarterly or annual summaries generates an Error Message.
I'm sure it will be a simple "tweak" that I've missed, and will be grateful as ever if someone can point the error(s) out.