1 of the main problems with how you have your data and summary set up, is that you are have different types of data and are trying to compare them. For example, in yoyr data, you have real dates (1/1/15, 2/1/15 etc), but you are trying to find data that matches Jan 15 or Feb 15. the dates are numeric, but jan 15 is text...there is no Jan 15 in your data, nor Feb 15.
Richard has attempted to put your data into a "good" fomat that makes use of exxcel's built-in functions. Having your data in the format you have, does not mean your extract cannot be done but it makes it unnecessarily complicated and involved.
Compare Richard's...
with Pete's...
=INDEX(INDIRECT("'"&RIGHT(B$1,LEN(B$1)-FIND(" ",B$1))&"'!B:G"),MATCH($A3,INDIRECT("'"&RIGHT(B$1,LEN(B$1)-FIND(" ",B$1))&"'!A:A"),0),MATCH(DATEVALUE(1&LEFT(B$1,FIND(" ",B$1)-1)),INDIRECT("'"&RIGHT(B$1,LEN(B$1)-FIND(" ",B$1))&"'!B1:G1")))