Your sheet layout isn't exactly formula friendly, but it can be done.
First of all, you will need to delete row 1 in the 'Actual' sheet so that the dates are in row 1, the same as with the other 2 sheets.
Secondly, the criteria in B1 and D1 would need to be consistent, the formula below relies on the only space in the cell being between the year and actual / budget / forecast.
=SUMPRODUCT((INDIRECT(MID(B$1,FIND(" ",B$1)+1,100)&"!A2:A10")=$A3)*(INDIRECT(MID(B$1,FIND(" ",B$1)+1,100)&"!B1:M1")=DATEVALUE("1-"&LEFT(B$1,FIND(" ",B$1)-1)))*INDIRECT(MID(B$1,FIND(" ",B$1)+1,100)&"!B2:M10"))