Delete row 1 in the Actual sheet, so that the 3 data sheets all have the same format. Then you can use this formula in B3 of the Comparison sheet:

=INDEX(INDIRECT("'"&RIGHT(B$1,LEN(B$1)-FIND(" ",B$1))&"'!B:G"),MATCH($A3,INDIRECT("'"&RIGHT(B$1,LEN(B$1)-FIND(" ",B$1))&"'!A:A"),0),MATCH(DATEVALUE(1&LEFT(B$1,FIND(" ",B$1)-1)),INDIRECT("'"&RIGHT(B$1,LEN(B$1)-FIND(" ",B$1))&"'!B1:G1")))

Copy this down to the bottom of your list of elements. Then you can copy the formulae from column B into column D. You will need to ensure that you choose the values from the drop-downs in B1 and D1, as it looks like you typed D1 yourself (missing hyphen).

Hope this helps.
