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IF versus LOOKUP versus ARRAY?

  1. #1
    Forum Contributor Gtrtim112's Avatar
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    IF versus LOOKUP versus ARRAY?

    I'm trying to see which formula would work best for me without being 18 miles long. I don't think an attachment is necessary.

    A1 contains a drop down list of 5 colors

    If RED is chosen, A2 will populate a particular answer. For this example, let's say TOY. A3 will populate CAR. A4 will populate LAMP
    IF BLUE is chosen, A2 will populate FISH, A3 will populate BIKE, A4 will populate JAR

    I think you get the idea... Depending on what is in A1, the other cells equal something else. I currently have this as an IF formula but it took forever typing it all out and not being able to copy and paste the formula over and over. I'm thinking there's a better way using a LOOKUP or ARRAY formula.

    Any ideas? I can post the actual spreadsheet if needed.


  2. #2
    Forum Moderator - RIP Richard Buttrey's Avatar
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    Re: IF versus LOOKUP versus ARRAY?


    One way would be to create a table with the colours along the same row and the objects underneath each colour in order. e.g.
    Red Blue
    Toy Fish
    Car Bike
    Lamp Jar

    Name this list say 'Lists'

    Now in A2 copied down enter

    Formula: copy to clipboard
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    change the '4' in the formula to reflect the number of colour lists you have
    Richard Buttrey

    RIP - d. 06/10/2022

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  3. #3
    Forum Contributor Gtrtim112's Avatar
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    Thanks, Richard! I'll give it a whirl and let you know how it comes out.

    Quote Originally Posted by Richard Buttrey View Post

    One way would be to create a table with the colours along the same row and the objects underneath each colour in order. e.g.
    Red Blue
    Toy Fish
    Car Bike
    Lamp Jar

    Name this list say 'Lists'

    Now in A2 copied down enter

    Formula: copy to clipboard
    Please Login or Register  to view this content.

    change the '4' in the formula to reflect the number of colour lists you have

  4. #4
    Forum Contributor Gtrtim112's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gtrtim112 View Post
    Thanks, Richard! I'll give it a whirl and let you know how it comes out.
    I do have another scenario within this same spreadsheet that may fall under this same line of thinking but may need to be figured a little differently.

    Once A2, A3 & A4 have been determined (I'm pretty certain that your trick above will work), I then need to have D2 (and D3, D4, etc) = a number. This number will either be equal to B2 or it will be B2 divided by C2. The word that populates in A2 will determine this.

    1. RED ---5-----1------5
    2. TOY ---16-----8-----2

    The tricky part for me on this is that sometimes it will need to equal another cell and sometimes it needs to divide the two numbers. It all depends on what is in A of the same row.

    If you have any ideas there, let me know. I'll work the list part out first and then attach an example if you think it would help.

    Thank you!
    Last edited by Gtrtim112; 10-21-2015 at 10:58 PM.

  5. #5
    Forum Expert bebo021999's Avatar
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    Re: IF versus LOOKUP versus ARRAY?

    It is hard to go without a sample Worksheet, but try:
    Drag down.
    If it does not work, upload a sample WS.
    Quang PT

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