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Conditional Format "Applies To" Changes, Don't Want it To

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    Conditional Format "Applies To" Changes, Don't Want it To


    So I have a conditional formula that highlights blank cells in 5 columns (D,E,G,H,I) if the reference column (B) has an entry. The "Applies To" columns in the formatting rule are absolute references, and the rule works the way it should....

    However, I was working in column K: if I add text, enter and delete it the cell is automatically highlighted; and when I checked the conditional format rule, that cell is now added to the "Applies To" field.

    Why is this happening? And more importantly, how do I stop it?

    Thanks for the help.

    EDIT: I just realized another thing.. this only happens to the cells that have no blank cells in any of the columns mentioned above.
    Last edited by aaallday; 10-20-2015 at 02:11 PM.

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