Sorry for the poor title description but it's hard for me to explain what I am needing to do. I'm sure the solution is simple but for the life of me I can not figure it out. I have everything explained for the most part in the sample spreadsheet above. For a more detailed description see below.
This is a weight training spreadsheet and basically what I need is if you have a goal of 10 reps, and you do 12 that will increase you're new max for the next work out by a defined amount which in this case is 5 for every rep you do over the goal, so if you have a max of 300 you do 12 reps with a goal of 10 it will increase you working max to 310 for the next week of your training cycle. I need to do this same thing only with a percentage. So if 60% with a goal of 10 reps and you get 12 reps, I would like to have excel automatically increase my next week by a defined number, in the case of the percentages it would be .025% so if you get 12 reps it would take your next weeks percentages up to 65%. I also should note that if you get under the goal reps the same amount of weight/percentages will be subtracted for you next week to auto regulate training volume.
Thanks for any help and I hope this is not a super stupid question, I can normally find my way around excel fairly well but this has me stumped!