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Budget vs Actual Analysis

  1. #1
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    Budget vs Actual Analysis

    Hi I am trying to make our budget template more efficient and effective in terms of easy analysis.

    I am open for any suggestions as to what kind of columns or data I should add. I have a coulmn of budgeted and actual data. Now I am trying to add formulas that will say if my budget is over or under, if so by how much percentage and should tell me that it needs to be researched. Also is there a formula that would state if the payment was made or not on time? Attached is an example of what I have so far. Please feel free to give comments or ideas thanks

  2. #2
    Forum Expert etaf's Avatar
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    Re: Budget vs Actual Analysis

    Also is there a formula that would state if the payment was made or not on time?
    you need to explain further

    any reason to have previous years ?

    you seem to have the info
    all you need is a conditional formatting
    where you could use a RAG status for %
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  3. #3
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    Re: Budget vs Actual Analysis

    How can I add the RAG conditional formatting or what are the steps for that?

    We have the prior years for history and data purpose we tend to keep at least prior 5 years of information for analysis purpose.

    Where should I add the year over year change should it be on the same spreadsheet.

  4. #4
    Forum Expert etaf's Avatar
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    Re: Budget vs Actual Analysis

    you could have a Year To Date - to compare previous years , if that would be useful

    When i worked in that type of environment - the question to ask - is what action would be taken as a result of these results

    for the RAG status

    what values % would you apply for each colour

    Green >=0 %
    Amber < 0 >= 5% over budget
    Red > 5%

    then you would setup three rules

    if you give the number range - i can add to the sheet

  5. #5
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    Re: Budget vs Actual Analysis

    I never thought of the RAG formatting.

    Let's say a nominal increase in fees year to year shouldn't be more than 5% ideally. So if the actual was higher than that it should be brought to managements attention to follow up and re negotiate the pricing.

    Do you have any other suggestions on how to set up the worksheet for the most part it seems like I am on the right track. Thanks

  6. #6
    Forum Expert etaf's Avatar
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    Re: Budget vs Actual Analysis

    I was comaring budget to actual

    and so I dont know what this means
    Let's say a nominal increase in fees year to year shouldn't be more than 5% ideally.
    as you know the data better then I do
    What cells would you compare for that

    also is the data seasonal ?

  7. #7
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    Re: Budget vs Actual Analysis

    Yes in comparison of actual vs budget. The formula should be added to the budget vs actual column. You can add dummy figures for a more accurate testing if you like. I just want to see how you would add the formula and the rest i can play around with.

  8. #8
    Forum Expert etaf's Avatar
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    Re: Budget vs Actual Analysis

    Let's say a nominal increase in fees year to year shouldn't be more than 5% ideally.
    how would that show against a budget actual

    budget 100
    Actual 105
    would that be a 5% increase in fees ?

  9. #9
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    Re: Budget vs Actual Analysis

    Yes since the fees are in thousands as you can see on the spreadsheet it makes more sense when comparing larger amounts. Since the fees shouldn't change drastically every year. Let's keep it at 5% or should we compare actual from year to year to see how much the increase is to see a red flag.

  10. #10
    Forum Expert etaf's Avatar
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    Re: Budget vs Actual Analysis

    have a look here
    BE3 : BE9

    Change the numbers and over 5% will turn red

    you could add another rule for 0-5%
    0 or under green

    if the red is OK,
    I will add the other rules

    see attached
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  11. #11
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    Re: Budget vs Actual Analysis

    Hi, Column BE is the YTD actual which sums up all the qtrly expenses. column BF is the variance column (actual - budget). I think the conditional formatting should be added to column BF. Column BG should state if the actual is over or under budget.

  12. #12
    Forum Expert etaf's Avatar
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    Re: Budget vs Actual Analysis

    you can have the conditional format in what ever column you want
    I was showing the calculation

    so instead of
    applied to the range BE
    =$BF3/$AY3 >0.05
    applied to the range BF
    Attached Files Attached Files

  13. #13
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    Re: Budget vs Actual Analysis

    Yep that looks correct! Thanks any other recommendations you have?

  14. #14
    Forum Expert etaf's Avatar
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    Re: Budget vs Actual Analysis

    not really - the budget should have been based on a number of factors for the year - so variance against budget is probably the best way
    and having a % allowance - so that action can be taken
    The budget should also have taken into account changes from last year to this year - so a comparison to the previous year maybe useful -
    But things like - loan rate, inflation, currency exchange rates may have changed more than was anticipated when setting the budget - so that should also be factored in

    you could show a summary sheet - if needed
    and then an Arrow could be shown with conditional formatting
    if up/down or the same as last year

    But any of this is only worth while - if people are going to take some action
    otherwise its just pretty pictures

  15. #15
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    Re: Budget vs Actual Analysis

    Thanks for your feedback! is it possible if you can give an example of the summary sheet you mentioned...I am just trying to picture that in action...Our budget is fairly static for the most part.

  16. #16
    Forum Expert etaf's Avatar
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    Re: Budget vs Actual Analysis

    you could just have the

    -----------------2012 ------------- 2013 ------------- 2014 -------
    -------------Bud -- Act ------- Bud -- Act ------- Bud -- Act -------
    Items --------X-----Y------------X------Y------------X------Y-----

    with the RAG status on the actuals
    or even the Arrows showing status from previous year

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