Thanks to the Forum, I have a formula that looks for and totals unique numbers in a column that meet a specific criteria in a second column. What I thought would be easy but, isn’t is trying to add another criteria to it. I need to restrict the formula by a date range. What I have that works is:
=SUM(IF("ABC"=Sheet2!$F$1:$F$1000, 1/(COUNTIFS(Sheet2!$F$1:$F$1000, "ABC",Sheet2!$E$1:$E$1000, Sheet2!$E$1:$E$1000)), 0))
What I need to add is something like this:
Sheet2!A:A,">=" & F3,Sheet2!A:A,"<=" & J3)
The dates are in column A on "Sheet2". The cells where I've placed the date ranges are on the "Master" sheet in cells F3 and J3. I hope that makes sense. I've tried placing the date range everywhere I could think of in the formula but, I've been unable to make it work. Any help would be appreciated since I've searched the forum and the web without luck for something that would point me in the right direction. Thanks to everyone for your assistance.