Hi there -
I'm trying to work out a formula that will check the current month (from today's date) and see whether there are any occurrences of that in other sheets, in a range.
I've uploaded an example of the data I'm working with. In sheets A,B,C & D will be a list of dates and on the Check sheet I want to have a list of the sheets and a count of how many rows have the same month / year combination. I think it will be something like =COUNTIF(A!G2:G8,IF((MONTH(B2)+YEAR(B2))=(MONTH(A!G2)+YEAR(A!G2)),"Yes","No")) but I know the end of it is wrong.
This workbook will be opened at the beginning of each month and someone will check from the Check sheet whether they need to do something this month.
Thanks in advance!