Hi guys
I am using the following simple formula to try and copy data from one column to another in the same spread sheet but blank cells are involved and I want the formula to bypass these
Column H range H13:H2500 is used for a product code
Column K range K13:K2500 is used for an edition code
There will be instances where column H will contain a value but the corresponding cell in column K may not e.g. IF H13 contains a value then K13 may or may not contain a value
IF a column H cell is blank however, the corresponding cell in column K will always be blank
NOTE: There are no pre-existing formulas in either of these columns cells.
Column AI range AI13:AI2500 is where I want to copy Column K cells to BUT based on the following argument:
Formula is conditional on the H cell containing a value i.e.:
IF the H cell contains a value then copy the value in the corresponding K cell, to the corresponding AI cell ..EVEN if the K cell is blank
BUT, IF the H cell is blank then do nothing
That is, I don't want column AI to have actual blanks
H13 12345 K13 8 AI 8
H14 67890 K14 - AI -
H15 98765 K15 4 AI 4
H16 - K16 - AI 7
H17 - K17 - AI -
H18 65432 K18 7
H19 81234 K19 -
Hope this is clear enough for someone to help me out with an amended formula