So I have a bit of a puzzle I've been working on, and I've been bashing my head against the wall trying to get it to work properly. I'm hoping someone here can help me a little.

Screen Shot 2015-09-28 at 12.23.06 PM.png

I have a slew of 3-second windows (indicated in columns G and H), during which I'm have found how many times (listed column F) fit within this 3 second window. This is the first step I've needed to complete, and I've gotten it (in column I):

I am trying to take this a step further. I want to see how many of those times listed in column F that occur in the 3 second window have a particular categorical value (indicated in column E). The category listed in column E indicates the type of behavior found at the time listed in column F. Ultimately, I am looking to find how many sensitive behaviors occur within the 3 second windows, and how many redirective behaviors occur within the 3 second windows independently.

I have been trying to implement a way to indicate the cell to the left of column F in such a way that couples together the column E and F values on a particular row, and yet checks ALL rows. I've not succeeded so far.
I've tried using indirect and address functions, but either I'm going about it the wrong way or I'm messing up the code. Can anyone help me figure out what I'm doing wrong?

Here is my latest attempt:

=COUNTIF(F:F,AND(F:F>=&G3,indirect(address(1:1000,6,2,,),0,-1)="sensitive"))- COUNTIF(F:F,AND(F:F>=&H3,indirect(address(1:1000,6,2,,),0,-1)="sensitive"))

Any help is appreciated!