Hi all,

If possible, I would like for column D to display the following information. Sorry the attachment wasn't working for me

1 Time Rcvd Time Released 1day/ 2day
2 8/20/2015 14:29 8/21/2015 16:43 1 day
3 8/21/2015 8:00 8/23/2015 8:00 2 day
4 8/20/2015 14:29 8/22/2015 16:43 1 day
5 8/21/2015 8:00 8/24/2015 8:00 2 day

I would like for column D to display the phrase “Current” or Late” depending on if the file went past it’s due date.

For example, Row 2 and 3 should both show that the item is “Current” because they have not exceeding their due date for when the item was released. Row 2 has a specified due date of 1day which was met. Row 3 had a specified due date of 2days which was met.

Row 4 and 5 however should display the phrase “Late” because they both went past their specified due date. Row 4 had a 1day turn time but it took 2 days. Row 5 had a 2 day turn time and it took 3 days.

I am only working with either a 1day or 2day turn time to determine if it is late or not if that helps.